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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"wm" is a command line tool that stands for "window manager" in Unix-like operating systems. It is primarily used to manage the appearance and behavior of windows, such as their size, position, and decorations.

With "wm", users can control various aspects of window management, including minimizing, maximizing, resizing, and moving windows within the graphical interface. It provides functionality to manipulate windows from the command line, offering a text-based alternative to graphical user interfaces.

"Wm" often includes features to customize the window decorations, such as title bars, borders, and buttons. It allows users to configure the appearance of windows according to their preferences or specific needs.

Additionally, "wm" may offer support for virtual desktops or workspaces, enabling users to organize and switch between multiple sets of windows. This can enhance productivity by allowing for efficient multitasking without cluttering the desktop.

Different window managers may have different capabilities and configuration options, providing users with choices to tailor their desktop environment to suit their workflow and aesthetic preferences.

Although it primarily operates in a command line environment, some window managers may also offer limited graphical configuration tools to fine-tune settings and customize the user interface.

Overall, "wm" serves as a powerful tool for managing windows efficiently, providing users with flexibility and control over their desktop environment.

List of commands for wm:

  • wm:tldr:3e90c wm: Display the physical size of an Android device's screen.
    $ wm ${size}
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