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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool wmctrl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Wmctrl is a command line tool in Linux that enables control over various aspects of windows in X Window System, including their positions, sizes, titles, and other properties. It allows for efficient window management from the command line without the need for graphical interfaces. The tool supports various window managers, including Metacity, EWMH, and Compiz. Wmctrl enables users to perform tasks such as manipulating windows, switching between windows and workspaces, listing open windows, and closing or activating specific windows. It provides flexibility and convenience for scripting and automation purposes, allowing users to create custom window management workflows. Wmctrl supports both standard X Window System and X11 protocol, making it widely compatible across different Linux distributions. Overall, wmctrl is a powerful and versatile tool for efficient window management in Linux environments, enhancing productivity and control over the graphical interface from the command line.

List of commands for wmctrl:

  • wmctrl:tldr:3e990 wmctrl: Select a window a move it to a workspace.
    $ wmctrl -r ${window_title} -t ${workspace_number}
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  • wmctrl:tldr:9116f wmctrl: Select a window and toggle fullscreen.
    $ wmctrl -r ${window_title} -b toggle,fullscreen
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  • wmctrl:tldr:956a6 wmctrl: Switch to the first window whose (partial) title matches.
    $ wmctrl -a ${window_title}
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  • wmctrl:tldr:99acd wmctrl: Switch to a workspace.
    $ wmctrl -s ${workspace_number}
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  • wmctrl:tldr:b6b70 wmctrl: List all windows, managed by the window manager.
    $ wmctrl -l
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  • wmctrl:tldr:ea01b wmctrl: Move a window to the current workspace, raise it and give it focus.
    $ wmctrl -R ${window_title}
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