On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xh. If the
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Xh is a command line tool used for making HTTP requests and inspecting the response.
- It stands for "HTTPie's improved shell experience" and is an alternative to the popular HTTPie tool.
- Xh allows users to make HTTP requests in a simpler and more intuitive way.
- It supports various HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE, etc.
- One can easily set headers and query parameters while making requests.
- Xh provides an interactive mode for building complex requests step by step.
- It offers syntax highlighting of the response to facilitate easy inspection of the data.
- Users can customize the output format and choose from options like JSON, YAML, HTML, etc.
- It supports features like session persistence and saving the history of executed requests.
- Xh provides HTTPS, SSL, and TSL support for secure requests.
- It is built on top of Rust programming language, known for its performance and memory safety.
List of commands for xh:
xh:tldr:0960a xh: Send a GET request.$ xh ${httpbin-org-get}try on your machineexplain this command
xh:tldr:170dc xh: Send a GET request with a custom header.$ xh get ${httpbin-org-get} ${header-name:header-value}try on your machineexplain this command
xh:tldr:8cc83 xh: Make a GET request and save the response body to a file.$ xh --download ${httpbin-org-json} --output ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command
xh:tldr:98ad4 xh: Send a GET request with query parameters (e.g. `first_param=5&second_param=true`).$ xh get ${httpbin-org-get} ${first_param==5} ${second_param==true}try on your machineexplain this command
xh:tldr:9c342 xh: e.g. `{"name": "john", "age": 25}`).$ xh post ${httpbin-org-post} ${name=john} ${age:=25}try on your machineexplain this command