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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xkill. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


xkill is a command-line tool available in Unix-like operating systems, including Linux, that provides a quick and efficient way to kill unresponsive or misbehaving GUI applications. With xkill, users can terminate a selected application by simply clicking on its window.

When executed, xkill activates a crosshair cursor, indicating that it is ready to terminate a program. Clicking on any visible window instantly sends a termination signal to the associated application, effectively terminating it. After a successful kill, the affected window disappears, confirming that the targeted process has been terminated.

xkill is particularly useful when an application becomes unresponsive, frozen, or fails to terminate through normal means. Instead of searching for the application's process ID or using system monitoring tools, xkill allows for a quick and visual killing of the specific window causing trouble.

It is important to note that xkill should be used with caution, as terminating an application abruptly may result in data loss or other undesirable consequences. It is always recommended to save any unsaved work before using xkill.

xkill is part of the X Window System, which provides the graphical framework for Unix-like systems. As such, it is available on most Linux distributions and can be accessed from the command line or bound to a keyboard shortcut for easier and faster access.

In addition to terminating individual windows, xkill can also be used to kill the entire X server by selecting the root window. This forcefully terminates all running applications and restarts the X server, effectively closing all GUI sessions.

Overall, xkill is a useful command-line tool for swiftly terminating unresponsive GUI applications in Unix-like systems. It provides a simple yet powerful way to kill misbehaving windows while offering a visual and intuitive approach to dealing with unresponsive software.

List of commands for xkill:

  • xkill:tldr:b35be xkill: Display a cursor to select a window to kill by pressing any mouse button.
    $ xkill -button any
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  • xkill:tldr:b6adb xkill: Display a cursor to kill a window when pressing the left mouse button (press any other mouse button to cancel).
    $ xkill
    try on your machine
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