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xmlto is a command-line tool used in Linux systems to convert XML files to various output formats. It is commonly used in conjunction with other tools like DocBook to generate documentation in different formats such as HTML, PDF, PostScript, or ASCII text.

One of the main functionalities of xmlto is to parse XML files and transform them using XSL stylesheets. These stylesheets define the structure, formatting, and layout of the resulting document.

xmlto supports a wide range of output formats, including HTML, PDF, man pages, Emacs info pages, DVI, OpenDocument format, and more. This versatility makes it suitable for various purposes, including software documentation, presentations, and publishing.

When using xmlto, users must provide an input XML file and specify the desired output format using command-line options. Additionally, options can be used to customize the output, enable or disable specific features, or set document metadata.

The tool relies on external applications and utilities, such as XSLT processors, to perform the actual conversion process. It supports popular XSLT processors like xsltproc and Saxon. Other dependencies may include tools like Ghostscript or LaTeX, depending on the chosen output format.

Error handling and reporting are an important aspect of xmlto. If any issues occur during the conversion process, error messages and warnings are displayed, providing helpful feedback to users.

xmlto is a flexible and reliable tool that simplifies the process of converting XML files to various output formats. Its integration with other tools and its extensive capabilities make it a valuable tool for generating formatted documents from XML sources.

List of commands for xmlto:

  • xmlto:tldr:168f8 xmlto: Convert a DocBook XML document to HTML format and store the resulting files in a separate directory.
    $ xmlto -o ${path-to-html_files} ${html} ${document-xml}
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  • xmlto:tldr:2d483 xmlto: Specify a stylesheet to use while converting a DocBook XML document.
    $ xmlto -x ${stylesheet-xsl} ${output_format} ${document-xml}
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  • xmlto:tldr:ecc16 xmlto: Convert a DocBook XML document to PDF format.
    $ xmlto ${pdf} ${document-xml}
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