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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xpdf. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Xpdf is a command line tool that allows users to view and manipulate Portable Document Format (PDF) files. It was created by Derek B. Noonburg and is available for various operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS. With a simple yet powerful interface, Xpdf provides a range of features for working with PDFs.

  1. Viewing PDFs: Xpdf enables users to view PDF files directly from the command line, without the need for a graphical interface.
  2. Navigation: It supports basic navigation features like scrolling, zooming, and searching for specific text within the PDF.
  3. Extracting text: Xpdf can extract text from PDF files and display it on the command line or save it to a separate text file.
  4. Converting PDF to text: Users can convert entire PDF documents into plain text format using Xpdf, making it easier to work with the content.
  5. Inbuilt tools: Xpdf includes various auxiliary tools, such as pdfimages (to extract images from PDFs) and pdftoppm (to convert PDF pages to image files).
  6. Printing: It allows for printing PDF files directly from the command line, providing options to customize the print settings.
  7. Annotations: Xpdf supports viewing PDF annotations, including comments, highlights, and underlines, allowing users to interact with annotated documents.
  8. Encrypted PDFs: It has the ability to handle encrypted PDF documents by providing password prompts for accessing restricted content.
  9. Multipage viewing: Xpdf offers options to view PDFs in a multipage mode, enabling users to see multiple pages at once or navigate between them easily.
  10. Automation: The command line nature of Xpdf makes it suitable for automated tasks or scripting, allowing users to perform batch operations on PDFs efficiently.

Overall, Xpdf is a versatile and lightweight command line tool for working with PDF files, offering a range of functionalities from viewing and searching text to extracting content and converting PDFs to different formats.

List of commands for xpdf:

  • xpdf:tldr:3ce3c xpdf: Open a specific page in a PDF file.
    $ xpdf ${filename-pdf} :${page_number}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • xpdf:tldr:47aa7 xpdf: Specify the initial zoom.
    $ xpdf -z ${75}% ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • xpdf:tldr:6e68d xpdf: Specify the initial zoom at page width or full page.
    $ xpdf -z ${select} ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • xpdf:tldr:b5f70 xpdf: Open a PDF file in fullscreen mode.
    $ xpdf -fullscreen ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • xpdf:tldr:d7af9 xpdf: Open a PDF file.
    $ xpdf ${filename-pdf}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview