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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool xsand. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Xsand is a command line tool designed to perform stress testing on servers and network connections. It is written in C and can be used on Unix-like operating systems. The tool simulates multiple connections and requests to a server, allowing users to test its performance under heavy loads.

Xsand offers several features to fine-tune stress testing, such as specifying the number of connections, sending custom HTTP requests, and defining the duration of the stress test. It provides real-time statistics on response times, data transfer rates, and error codes, allowing users to analyze the server's behavior under stress.

One of the key benefits of using Xsand is its ability to simulate realistic traffic patterns. It allows users to configure the distribution of requests over time, helping to mimic real-world scenarios. This can be particularly useful for testing the scalability and responsiveness of web applications or server infrastructures.

Xsand is a powerful tool for benchmarking and identifying performance bottlenecks in servers. By stressing the system with high concurrency and load, it helps reveal weaknesses and areas for improvement in the server's architecture or configuration. Furthermore, it can assist in identifying potential issues like resource limitations, inadequate load balancing, or inefficient code.

While Xsand primarily focuses on stress testing HTTP servers, it can also be used for general network performance testing. Its flexibility and versatility make it a valuable tool for system administrators, network engineers, and developers aiming to optimize and measure the robustness of their systems and applications.

List of commands for xsand:

tool overview