YAPF is a command line tool used for auto-formatting Python code to ensure consistent style and readability. The acronym 'YAPF' stands for 'Yet Another Python Formatter'.
Offered as a part of the Python programming language, YAPF uses a predefined set of style rules to automatically reformat Python code, eliminating the need for manual formatting.
It adheres to the guidelines outlined in the PEP 8 style guide, which is the official Python style guide widely followed in the Python community.
YAPF focuses on maintaining readability and follows a consistent indentation style, spacing conventions, line length limits, and more.
The tool supports various configuration options that can be specified through a configuration file or command line arguments, allowing customization of formatting rules to match specific preferences.
YAPF can be integrated into various development environments or workflows, enabling developers to format code as they write or automatically format entire codebases.
One of the significant advantages of YAPF is that it minimizes the time and effort required to manually maintain a consistent code style across projects or among different developers.
It provides flexibility by allowing developers to choose from different output styles, such as modifying only the lines with changes or applying formatting to the entire file.
YAPF is widely adopted in the Python community and is considered a reliable tool for ensuring code readability and maintaining a consistent style.
Overall, YAPF simplifies the process of formatting Python code, making it easier for developers to focus on writing clean and efficient code.
List of commands for yapf:
yapf:tldr:16f6c yapf: Recursively format all Python files in a directory, concurrently.$ yapf --recursive --in-place --style ${pep8} --parallel ${path-to-directory}try on your machineexplain this command
yapf:tldr:1a314 yapf: Format the file in-place and display a diff of the changes.$ yapf --diff --in-place ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command
yapf:tldr:2a9ef yapf: Display a diff of the changes that would be made, without making them (dry-run).$ yapf --diff ${filename}try on your machineexplain this command