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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool zlib-flate. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Zlib-flate is a command line tool used for compressing and decompressing files using the zlib library. It is commonly used in various programming languages and platforms to handle compressed data. Here are some key points about zlib-flate:

  1. Zlib-flate is part of the zlib library, which is a widely used compression library for data compression and decompression.
  2. It is designed to be a lightweight and efficient tool for compressing and decompressing files.
  3. The tool uses the zlib compression algorithm, which provides a balance between speed and compression ratio.
  4. Zlib-flate supports two operations: compression and decompression.
  5. When compressing a file, zlib-flate reduces its size by removing redundant and repetitive data, resulting in a smaller file size.
  6. The compressed file generated by zlib-flate can be decompressed back to its original form using the same tool.
  7. The compression and decompression process of zlib-flate is lossless, meaning no data or quality is lost during the process.
  8. Zlib-flate supports various input and output options, allowing you to specify the source and destination of compressed files.
  9. It can be integrated into different programming languages and platforms easily, making it a popular choice for developers working with compressed data.
  10. Zlib-flate is a command line tool, meaning it is executed through a terminal or command prompt, providing flexibility and ease of use.

List of commands for zlib-flate:

  • zlib-flate:tldr:555bc zlib-flate: Compress a file with a specified compression level. 0=Fastest (Worst), 9=Slowest (Best).
    $ zlib-flate -compress=${compression_level} < ${path-to-input_file} > ${path-to-compressed-zlib}
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  • zlib-flate:tldr:8ffc0 zlib-flate: Compress a file.
    $ zlib-flate -compress < ${path-to-input_file} > ${path-to-compressed-zlib}
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  • zlib-flate:tldr:e9fc4 zlib-flate: Uncompress a file.
    $ zlib-flate -uncompress < ${path-to-compressed-zlib} > ${path-to-output_file}
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