Zola is a command-line tool used for creating static websites. It is written in Rust, a modern, safe, and fast programming language. Zola follows a simple concept of using a file tree within a single directory to build websites, making it user-friendly. It provides various features like templating, content organization, and content management. Zola supports several templating engines, including Tera, Liquid, and Handlebars, offering flexibility to users. It uses Markdown for creating content, allowing users to write in a simple and straightforward format. Zola offers a built-in server for testing and previewing websites locally before deployment. It provides a customizable theme system, enabling users to modify the appearance and layout easily. Zola supports asset management, allowing the inclusion of CSS, JavaScript files, and images in the websites. It also offers features like taxonomies, pagination, and multilingual support for creating sophisticated and dynamic websites.
List of commands for zola:
zola:tldr:265c3 zola: Create the directory structure used by Zola at the given directory.$ zola init ${my_site}try on your machineexplain this command
zola:tldr:5c397 zola: Build the whole site in the `public` directory after deleting it.$ zola buildtry on your machineexplain this command
zola:tldr:600e6 zola: Build the whole site into a different directory.$ zola build --output-dir ${path-to-output_directory-}try on your machineexplain this command
zola:tldr:f5302 zola: Build and serve the site using a local server (default is ``).$ zola servetry on your machineexplain this command
zola:tldr:f6ede zola: Build all pages just like the build command would, but without writing any of the results to disk.$ zola checktry on your machineexplain this command