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List of commands for atom:

  • atom:tldr:265a6 atom: Open a file or directory in an existing window.
    $ atom --add ${filename_or_directory}
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  • atom:tldr:2ce23 atom: Open a file or directory.
    $ atom ${filename_or_directory}
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  • atom:tldr:49424 atom: Open a file or directory in a new window.
    $ atom -n ${filename_or_directory}
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  • atom:tldr:54027 atom: Wait for Atom window to close before returning (useful for Git commit editor).
    $ atom --wait
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  • atom:tldr:7a48a atom: Prevent Atom from forking into the background, keeping Atom attached to the terminal.
    $ atom --foreground
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  • atom:tldr:b2907 atom: Open Atom in safe mode (does not load any additional packages).
    $ atom --safe
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