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List of commands for attrib:

  • attrib:tldr:44c64 attrib: Remove a specific attribute of files or directories.
    $ attrib -${select} ${path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ---}
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  • attrib:tldr:48fd6 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in a specific directory.
    $ attrib ${path\to\directory}
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  • attrib:tldr:8fce4 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in the current directory.
    $ attrib
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  • attrib:tldr:92345 attrib: Display all set attributes of files in the current directory and [s]ub-directories.
    $ attrib /s
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  • attrib:tldr:b60b2 attrib: Add the `[r]ead-only` or `[a]rchive` or `[s]ystem` or `[h]idden` or `not content [i]ndexed` attribute to files or directories.
    $ attrib +${select} ${path\to\file_or_directory1 path\to\file_or_directory2 ---}
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  • attrib:tldr:d8728 attrib: Display all set attributes of files and [d]irectories in the current directory.
    $ attrib /d
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