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List of commands for brotli:

  • brotli:tldr:06e80 brotli: Specify the compression level [1=Fastest (Worst), 11=Slowest (Best)].
    $ brotli -q ${11} ${filename} -o ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}
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  • brotli:tldr:79dfd brotli: Decompress a file, creating an uncompressed version next to the file.
    $ brotli -d ${filename-br}
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  • brotli:tldr:82283 brotli: Compress a file, creating a compressed version next to the file.
    $ brotli ${filename}
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  • brotli:tldr:982c6 brotli: Decompress a Brotli file specifying the output filename.
    $ brotli -d ${path-to-compressed_file-br} -o ${path-to-output_file}
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  • brotli:tldr:c9811 brotli: Compress a file specifying the output filename.
    $ brotli ${filename} -o ${path-to-compressed_output_file-br}
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