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List of commands for clang:

  • clang:tldr:2573d clang: Compile a source code file into an executable binary.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -o ${output_executable}
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  • clang:tldr:6ed62 clang: Include libraries located at a different path than the source file.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -o ${output_executable} -I${header_path} -L${library_path} -l${library_name}
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  • clang:tldr:7002f clang: Compile source code into LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR).
    $ clang -S -emit-llvm ${file-c} -o ${file-ll}
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  • clang:tldr:d3c87 clang: Activate output of all errors and warnings.
    $ clang ${input_source-c} -Wall -o ${output_executable}
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  • clang:tldr:d59b3 clang: Compile source code without linking.
    $ clang -c ${input_source-c}
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