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List of commands for corepack:

  • corepack:tldr:3c05c corepack: Remove the Corepack shims from the Node.js installation directory.
    $ corepack disable
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  • corepack:tldr:4e1be corepack: Install a package manager from the specified archive.
    $ corepack hydrate ${path-to-corepack-tgz}
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  • corepack:tldr:4f8d2 corepack: Use a package manager without installing it as a global command.
    $ corepack ${select} ${package_manager_arguments}
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  • corepack:tldr:56df3 corepack: Add the Corepack shims to a specific directory.
    $ corepack enable --install-directory ${path-to-directory}
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  • corepack:tldr:5ef56 corepack: Prepare the package manager configured for the project in the current path.
    $ corepack prepare
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  • corepack:tldr:6a518 corepack: Prepare a specific package manager.
    $ corepack prepare ${package_manager}@${version} --activate
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  • corepack:tldr:9cedb corepack: Add the Corepack shims to the Node.js installation directory to make them available as global commands.
    $ corepack enable
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  • corepack:tldr:d5912 corepack: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ corepack ${subcommand} --help
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