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List of commands for curl:

  • curl:ai:25994 How to upload image
    $ curl -F 'image=@/path/to/image.jpg'
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  • curl:ai:27919 Open an email by message-id
    $ curl -u 'username:password' -X GET '${message_id}'
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  • curl:ai:468a2 how do i copy a websites html and javascryp
    $ curl ${website_url} --output website.html
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  • curl:ai:74fd0 How to run install plesk?
    $ curl | sh && plesk installer
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  • curl:ai:90a4c how do i ask the author of this website to delete a page?
    $ curl -X DELETE -u ${username}:password
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  • curl:ai:b4309 how do i copy a websitse front end html
    $ curl -o website.html
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  • curl:ai:bc1c8 Download and run the Plesk installer script
    $ curl -o && sh
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  • curl:ai:c4ddc Download DDRescueView for Windows
    $ curl -LO
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  • curl:ai:d57e9 how do I test this port 8087 is working without doing this command - telnet 8087
    $ curl -IsS -m 5
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  • curl:ai:fc3ad Download and run the install script for npm.
    $ curl -L | sh
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  • curl:ai:fd456 Downloads a file from a website using the curl command
    $ curl -o ${filename}${filename}
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  • curl:headers:get Run a curl request and return the headers
    $ curl -I ${url}
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  • curl:tldr:0e30a curl: View documentation for the original `curl` command in older versions of `tldr` command-line client.
    $ tldr curl -o common
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  • curl:tldr:25397 curl: View documentation for the original `curl` command.
    $ tldr curl -p common
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  • curl:tldr:399e1 curl: Pass a username and password for server authentication.
    $ curl --user myusername:mypassword ${http:--example-com}
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  • curl:tldr:3d839 curl: Send form-encoded data (POST request of type `application/x-www-form-urlencoded`). Use `--data @file_name` or `--data @'-'` to read from STDIN.
    $ curl --data ${'name=bob'} ${http:--example-com-form}
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  • curl:tldr:4500b curl: Download the contents of a URL to a file.
    $ curl ${http:--example-com} --output ${filename}
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  • curl:tldr:540ac curl: Pass client certificate and key for a resource, skipping certificate validation.
    $ curl --cert ${client-pem} --key ${key-pem} --insecure ${https:--example-com}
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  • curl:tldr:5ed9f curl: Check whether `curl` is properly installed by printing its version number. If this command evaluates into an error, PowerShell may have substituted this command with `Invoke-WebRequest`.
    $ curl --version
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  • curl:tldr:92448 curl: View documentation for PowerShell's `Invoke-WebRequest` command.
    $ tldr invoke-webrequest
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  • curl:tldr:aeb75 curl: Download a file, saving the output under the filename indicated by the URL.
    $ curl --remote-name ${http:--example-com-filename}
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  • curl:tldr:d1adb curl: Send data in JSON format, specifying the appropriate content-type header.
    $ curl --data ${'{"name":"bob"}'} --header ${'Content-Type: application-json'} ${http:--example-com-users-1234}
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  • curl:tldr:feb19 curl: Send a request with an extra header, using a custom HTTP method.
    $ curl --header ${'X-My-Header: 123'} --request ${PUT} ${http:--example-com}
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  • curl:warp:2450e4dd99f7f77e9479659d4061a538 cURL a URL and follow redirects
    $ curl -L ${url}
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  • curl:warp:9d42768e9a94bd536acbafafe8adeb28 POST JSON data with cURL
    $ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
    $ --request POST \
    $ --data '${json_data}' \
    $ ${url}
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  • curl:warp:ddb2d3519798374d4b76ef0160a84b72 Set an Bearer authorization header with a cURL request
    $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${access_token}" ${url}
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  • curl:warp:deb495d28649d13fee28d0d983995b46 Set an OAuth authorization header with a cURL request
    $ curl -H "Authorization: OAuth ${access_token}" ${url}
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  • curl:warp:e6fb89c914b5eed3543d4bf3696cb97d Attach a header to an HTTP request with cURL
    $ curl --header "${header}" ${url}
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  • curl:warp:f69f37e58240c5cc6c3a6cc3844d3cab Display request headers from a cURL request
    $ curl -v ${url}
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