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List of commands for defaults:

  • defaults:tldr:049ce defaults: Delete all defaults of an application.
    $ defaults delete "${application}"
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  • defaults:tldr:417ba defaults: Speed up Mission Control animations.
    $ defaults write expose-animation-duration -float 0.1
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  • defaults:tldr:576f5 defaults: Write the default value of an application option.
    $ defaults write "${application}" "${option}" ${-type} ${value}
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  • defaults:tldr:8e4df defaults: Search for a keyword in domain names, keys, and values.
    $ defaults find "${keyword}"
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  • defaults:tldr:d64b6 defaults: Read system defaults for an application option.
    $ defaults read "${application}" "${option}"
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  • defaults:tldr:f4fba defaults: Read default values for an application option.
    $ defaults read -app "${application}" "${option}"
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