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List of commands for dpkg-query:

  • dpkg-query:ai:36aa9 Lists the files installed by a particular Debian package
    $ dpkg-query -L ${package_name}
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  • dpkg-query:ai:c9b9f Lists all manually installed packages in Debian Linux
    $ dpkg-query --show --showformat='${Package}
    $ '
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  • dpkg-query:tldr:34ae2 dpkg-query: List all installed packages.
    $ dpkg-query --list
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  • dpkg-query:tldr:6c82d dpkg-query: List installed packages matching a pattern.
    $ dpkg-query --list '${libc6*}'
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  • dpkg-query:tldr:7f938 dpkg-query: Search for packages that own files matching a pattern.
    $ dpkg-query --search ${-etc-ld-so-conf-d}
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  • dpkg-query:tldr:969bf dpkg-query: List all files installed by a package.
    $ dpkg-query --listfiles ${libc6}
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  • dpkg-query:tldr:c3dd4 dpkg-query: Show information about a package.
    $ dpkg-query --status ${libc6}
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