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List of commands for duti:

  • duti:tldr:42d16 duti: Set Safari as the default handler for HTML documents.
    $ duti -s ${com-apple-Safari} ${public-html} all
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  • duti:tldr:5bb29 duti: Display information about the default application for a given extension.
    $ duti -x ${ext}
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  • duti:tldr:5de8f duti: Display the default handler for a given UTI.
    $ duti -d ${uti}
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  • duti:tldr:650ac duti: Set Finder as the default handler for the ftp:// URL scheme.
    $ duti -s ${com-apple-Finder} "${ftp}"
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  • duti:tldr:b18e1 duti: Display all handlers of a given UTI.
    $ duti -l ${uti}
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  • duti:tldr:bd39a duti: Set VLC as the default viewer for files with `.m4v` extensions.
    $ duti -s ${org-videolan-vlc} ${m4v} viewer
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