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List of commands for echo:

  • echo:ai:034ee How to translate a string
    $ echo 'string to translate' | translate-shell -s '${source_language}' -t '${target_language}'
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  • echo:ai:0ace3 This command will count the number of characters in the string 'Hello, World!'
    $ echo 'Hello, World!' | wc -m
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  • echo:ai:18235 Displays current song in mocp
    $ echo "^c#FF0000^ $(mocp -Q '%artist - %song')"
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  • echo:ai:1a607 This script executes the 'echo' command to print 'Hello, World!'
    $ echo 'Hello, World!'
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  • echo:ai:2bc9d This command will make a beep noise in the terminal.
    $ echo -e \a
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  • echo:ai:31915 Append 'tmux' command to ~/.bashrc file for automatic startup
    $ echo 'tmux' >> ~/.bashrc
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  • echo:ai:3b3d1 what is a bitwise AND operation?
    $ echo $((5 & 3))
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  • echo:ai:3d009 what does a bitwise AND operation with 1 do?
    $ echo $((5 & 1))
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  • echo:ai:41ec6 Count the number of words in the provided string using the wc command
    $ echo 'This is a test string' | wc -w
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  • echo:ai:8e529 what does this mean? bVar1 = DAT_2527017e >> 3 | 1;
    $ echo 'bVar1 = DAT_2527017e >> 3 | 1;' | jq -nR '{cli_command: ., description: "Shift DAT_2527017e by 3 bits to the right and bitwise OR the result with 1 to calculate bVar1."}'
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  • echo:ai:92047 Create an example user file, you get to choose the delimiter, do not use commas. The file should contain the following fields: username first name last name phone extension email address department Choose 3 departments to create linux groups for, then create those groups Finally create a script that will read the file provided as the first argument, create the user accounts with the default password of welcome, add the user information to the account (remember email addresses under other), and finally add the user to their departments group as a secondary group. Please submit a text file containing the commands used to setup the group, a file with a list of users and the script file used to add users to the server.
    $ echo -e 'john|John|Doe|555-1234|1001||Sales
    $ sarah|Sarah|Smith|555-5678|1002||Marketing
    $ adam|Adam|Johnson|555-9101|1003||HR' > users.txt && groupadd sales && groupadd marketing && groupadd hr
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  • echo:ai:9a2b8 Display the total amount of memory (RAM) in kilobytes
    $ echo "MemTotal: ${memory_value} kB"
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  • echo:ai:9a500 send an email from the cli with neomutt
    $ echo 'This is the body of the email' | neomutt -s 'Subject of the email' --
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  • echo:ai:a1e82 Prints the question 'Jak masz na imię?'
    $ echo 'Jak masz na imię?'
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  • echo:ai:b288a How can i fix this error after running forrest run forrest:init "echo 'alias how="forrest run how"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile "?
    $ echo 'alias how="forrest run how"' >> ~/.bash_profile && source ~/.bash_profile
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  • echo:ai:bf473 Set tmux as the default terminal multiplexer
    $ echo 'export TMUX_DEFAULT=true' >> ~/.bashrc
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  • echo:ai:c5b79 Create a new bat file named test.bat with the specified command.
    $ echo 'echo Your command here' >> test.bat
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  • echo:ai:d79fc echo "613 261225" | sed -r 's/[[:digit:]]{3}/contact # &/'
    $ echo '613 261225' | sed -r 's/${[:digit:}]{3}/contact # &/'
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  • echo:ai:df482 what does a bitwise AND operation with 1 mean?
    $ echo '5 & 1' | bc
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  • echo:ai:df7da how do I get a blake2s digest
    $ echo -n 'YourStringHere' | blake2ssum -
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  • echo:ai:e8ea2 Prints 'Hello, Linux!' to the standard output
    $ echo 'Hello, Linux!'
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  • echo:ai:efd30 This command will display the message 'Man is running' in the command prompt
    $ echo Man is running
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  • echo:tldr:04010 echo: Print a text message. Note: quotes are optional.
    $ echo "${Hello World}"
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  • echo:tldr:07833 echo: Append a message to the file.
    $ echo "${Hello World}" >> ${file-txt}
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  • echo:tldr:54c46 echo: Print a message without the trailing newline.
    $ echo -n "${Hello World}"
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  • echo:tldr:635e5 echo: Enable interpretation of backslash escapes (special characters).
    $ echo -e "${Column 1\tColumn 2}"
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