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List of commands for env:

  • env:tldr:07124 env: Remove variable from the environment and run a program.
    $ env -u ${variable} ${program}
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  • env:tldr:20350 env: Run a program. Often used in scripts after the shebang (#!) for looking up the path to the program.
    $ env ${program}
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  • env:tldr:5c45c env: Set a variable and run a program.
    $ env ${variable}=${value} ${program}
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  • env:tldr:7bdea env: Clear the environment and run a program.
    $ env -i ${program}
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  • env:tldr:8f404 env: Set multiple variables and run a program.
    $ env ${variable1}=${value} ${variable2}=${value} ${variable3}=${value} ${program}
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  • env:tldr:ff035 env: Show the environment.
    $ env
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