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List of commands for flashrom:

  • flashrom:tldr:39fe0 flashrom: Probe the chip, ensuring the wiring is correct.
    $ flashrom --programmer ${programmer}
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  • flashrom:tldr:3a0d6 flashrom: Probe the chip using Raspberry Pi.
    $ flashrom -p ${linux_spi:dev=-dev-spidev0-0}
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  • flashrom:tldr:4538f flashrom: Verify the flash against a file.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --verify ${filename}
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  • flashrom:tldr:4bcb3 flashrom: Write a file to the flash.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --write ${filename}
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  • flashrom:tldr:bc82a flashrom: Read flash and save it to a file.
    $ flashrom -p ${programmer} --read ${filename}
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