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List of commands for gcloud:

  • gcloud:tldr:08db4 gcloud: Display all Google Compute Engine instances in a project. Instances from all zones are listed by default.
    $ gcloud compute instances list
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  • gcloud:tldr:203a9 gcloud: SSH into a virtual machine instance.
    $ gcloud compute ssh ${user}@${instance}
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  • gcloud:tldr:45252 gcloud: Set the active project.
    $ gcloud config set project ${project_name}
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  • gcloud:tldr:47e73 gcloud: Show help for a given command.
    $ gcloud help ${command}
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  • gcloud:tldr:48e87 gcloud: List all properties in one's active configuration.
    $ gcloud config list
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  • gcloud:tldr:90d79 gcloud: Update a kubeconfig file with the appropriate credentials to point kubectl to a specific cluster in Google Kubernetes Engine.
    $ gcloud container clusters get-credentials ${cluster_name}
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  • gcloud:tldr:b32fa gcloud: Log in to Google account.
    $ gcloud auth login
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  • gcloud:tldr:da9ea gcloud: Update all gcloud CLI components.
    $ gcloud components update
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