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List of commands for getconf:

  • getconf:ai:ca1c7 Returns the maximum filename length (including path) in the specified directory
    $ getconf NAME_MAX ${path}
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  • getconf:tldr:15cf9 getconf: List the configuration values for a specific directory.
    $ getconf -a ${path-to-directory}
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  • getconf:tldr:2b466 getconf: Check if your linux system is a 32-bit or 64-bit.
    $ getconf LONG_BIT
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  • getconf:tldr:b55de getconf: Check how many processes the current user can run at once.
    $ getconf CHILD_MAX
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  • getconf:tldr:fa2ee getconf: List every configuration value and then find patterns with the grep command (i.e every value with MAX in it).
    $ getconf -a | grep MAX
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  • getconf:tldr:fc058 getconf: List [a]ll configuration values available.
    $ getconf -a
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