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List of commands for gh-label:

  • gh-label:tldr:17969 gh-label: Update the name and description for a specific label for the repository in the current directory.
    $ gh label edit ${name} --name ${new_name} --description "${description}"
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  • gh-label:tldr:5e46e gh-label: View labels for the repository in the current directory in the default web browser.
    $ gh label list --web
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  • gh-label:tldr:7f80f gh-label: Clone labels from a specific repository into the repository in the current directory.
    $ gh label clone ${owner}/${repository}
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  • gh-label:tldr:8eebf gh-label: Display help for a subcommand.
    $ gh label ${subcommand} --help
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  • gh-label:tldr:ea7d7 gh-label: List labels for the repository in the current directory.
    $ gh label list
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  • gh-label:tldr:f17f1 gh-label: Create a label with a specific name, description and color in hexadecimal format for the repository in the current directory.
    $ gh label create ${name} --description "${description}" --color ${color_hex}
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  • gh-label:tldr:f22e3 gh-label: Delete a label for the repository in the current directory, prompting for confirmation.
    $ gh label delete ${name}
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