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List of commands for gnuplot:

  • gnuplot:tldr:149cf gnuplot: Persist the graph plot preview window after gnuplot exits.
    $ gnuplot --persist ${path-to-definition-plt}
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  • gnuplot:tldr:d88e5 gnuplot: Start the interactive graph plotting shell.
    $ gnuplot
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  • gnuplot:tldr:d9e9f gnuplot: Set the output format by executing a command before loading the definition file.
    $ gnuplot -e "${set output "filenamename-png" size 1024,768}" ${path-to-definition-plt}
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  • gnuplot:tldr:f7967 gnuplot: Plot the graph for the specified graph definition file.
    $ gnuplot ${path-to-definition-plt}
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