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List of commands for hadolint:

  • hadolint:tldr:5d5b2 hadolint: Lint multiple Dockerfiles using specific trusted registries.
    $ hadolint --trusted-registry ${docker-io} --trusted-registry ${example-com}:${5000} ${path-to-Dockerfile} ${path-to-another-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:80eaa hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile.
    $ hadolint ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:81917 hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile ignoring specific rules.
    $ hadolint --ignore ${DL3006} --ignore ${DL3008} ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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  • hadolint:tldr:d92c3 hadolint: Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in JSON format.
    $ hadolint --format ${json} ${path-to-Dockerfile}
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