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List of commands for hardhat:

  • hardhat:tldr:004e9 hardhat: Clean the cache and all artifacts.
    $ hardhat clean
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  • hardhat:tldr:191e4 hardhat: List available subcommands (or create a new project if no configuration exists).
    $ hardhat
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  • hardhat:tldr:5875a hardhat: Start a local Ethereum JSON-RPC node with a specific hostname and port.
    $ hardhat node --hostname ${hostname} --port ${port}
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  • hardhat:tldr:8af57 hardhat: Compile the current project and build all artifacts.
    $ hardhat compile
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  • hardhat:tldr:a4471 hardhat: Run all given test files.
    $ hardhat test ${filename1-js} ${filename2-js}
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  • hardhat:tldr:a84f9 hardhat: Run Mocha tests.
    $ hardhat test
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  • hardhat:tldr:c7815 hardhat: Run a user-defined script after compiling the project.
    $ hardhat run ${path-to-script-js}
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  • hardhat:tldr:cb947 hardhat: Start a local Ethereum JSON-RPC node for development.
    $ hardhat node
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