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List of commands for jello:

  • jello:tldr:00951 jello: Pretty-print JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello
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  • jello:tldr:11dbe jello: Output all elements from arrays (or all the values from objects) in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -l
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  • jello:tldr:1a000 jello: Output the value of a given key to a string (and disable JSON output).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -r '"${some text}: " + _.${key_name}'
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  • jello:tldr:33ed9 jello: Output the value of multiple keys as a new JSON object (assuming the input JSON has the keys `key_name` and `other_key_name`).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello '{"${my_new_key}": _.${key_name}, "${my_other_key}": _.${other_key_name}}'
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  • jello:tldr:4a099 jello: Output the first element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello _[0]
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  • jello:tldr:5cc94 jello: Output a schema of JSON or JSON Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout` (useful for grep).
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello -s
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  • jello:tldr:b9cf0 jello: Output the value of a given key of each element in JSON or JSON-Lines data from `stdin` to `stdout`.
    $ cat ${file-json} | jello '[i.${key_name} for i in _]'
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