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List of commands for kubernetes:

  • kubernetes:warp:27402 Mark node as schedulable
    $ kubectl uncordon ${node}
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  • kubernetes:warp:28e25 List events for a single Kubernetes pod
    $ kubectl get event --namespace ${namespace} --field-selector${pod_name}
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  • kubernetes:warp:3b6af Set a new size for a deployment.
    $ kubectl scale deployment/${deployment_name} --replicas=${count}
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  • kubernetes:warp:523ac Run a Bash command within a Kubernetes pod
    $ kubectl exec -it --namespace=${namespace} ${pod_name} -- bash -c "${bash_command}"
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  • kubernetes:warp:61f04 Forward one or more local ports to a pod.
    $ kubectl port-forward pod/${pod_name} ${local_port}:${pod_port}
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  • kubernetes:warp:7cf9f Show a continuous stream of Kubernetes logs
    $ kubectl logs -f ${pod_id}
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  • kubernetes:warp:8c686 Mark node as unschedulable
    $ kubectl cordon ${node}
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  • kubernetes:warp:8f804 Opens a Bash shell into Kubernetes pod
    $ kubectl -n ${namespace} exec -it ${pod_name} -- /bin/sh
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  • kubernetes:warp:c897a Report when a Kubernetes job has finished
    $ kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/${job_name}
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  • kubernetes:warp:e5221 Rollback to the previous deployment
    $ kubectl rollout undo deployment/${deployment_name}
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  • kubernetes:warp:ef853 Sort Kubernetes pods by age
    $ kubectl get po --sort-by=.status.startTime
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  • kubernetes:warp:ff75c Forward one or more local ports of a service
    $ kubectl port-forward svc/${service_name} ${local_port}:${service_port}
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