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List of commands for minifab:

  • minifab:tldr:03836 minifab: Quickly run an application.
    $ minifab apprun -l ${app_programming_language}
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  • minifab:tldr:1de9d minifab: Bring up the default Hyperledger Fabric network.
    $ minifab up -i ${minifab_version}
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  • minifab:tldr:59451 minifab: Bring down the Hyperledger Fabric network.
    $ minifab down
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  • minifab:tldr:6744f minifab: Install chaincode onto a specified channel.
    $ minifab install -n ${chaincode_name}
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  • minifab:tldr:87e3f minifab: Invoke a chaincode method with the specified arguments.
    $ minifab invoke -n ${chaincode_name} -p '"${method_name}", "${arg0}", "${arg1}", ...'
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  • minifab:tldr:8b0e3 minifab: Install a specific chaincode version onto a channel.
    $ minifab install -n ${chaincode_name} -v ${chaincode_version}
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  • minifab:tldr:a5260 minifab: Make a query on the ledger.
    $ minifab blockquery ${block_number}
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  • minifab:tldr:dd5c6 minifab: Initialize the chaincode after installation/upgrade.
    $ minifab approve,commit,initialize,discover
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