List of commands for mosquitto_pub:
mosquitto_pub:tldr:19819 mosquitto_pub: Send the contents of a file (`data.txt`), by reading from `stdin` and send the entire input as a message and publish it to `sensors/temperature` topic.$ mosquitto_pub -t ${sensors-temperature} -s < ${data-txt}try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_pub:tldr:93da2 mosquitto_pub: Publish timestamp and temperature data on the topic `sensors/temperature` to a remote host on a non-standard port.$ mosquitto_pub -h ${192-168-1-1} -p ${1885} -t ${sensors-temperature} -m "${1266193804 32}"try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_pub:tldr:99601 mosquitto_pub: Read newline delimited data from `stdin` as a message and publish it to `sensors/temperature` topic.$ ${echo data-txt} | mosquitto_pub -t ${sensors-temperature} -ltry on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_pub:tldr:cca3e mosquitto_pub: Publish light switch status and retain the message on the topic `switches/kitchen_lights/status` to a remote host because there may be a long period of time between light switch events.$ mosquitto_pub -r -h "${iot-eclipse-org}" -t ${switches-kitchen_lights-status} -m "${on}"try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_pub:tldr:d51af mosquitto_pub: Publish a temperature value of 32 on the topic `sensors/temperature` to (defaults to `localhost`) with Quality of Service (`QoS`) set to 1.$ mosquitto_pub -h ${192-168-1-1} -t ${sensors-temperature} -m ${32} -q ${1}try on your machineexplain this command
mosquitto_pub:tldr:f34db mosquitto_pub: Send the contents of a file (`data.txt`) as a message and publish it to `sensors/temperature` topic.$ mosquitto_pub -t ${sensors-temperature} -f ${data-txt}try on your machineexplain this command