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List of commands for notmuch:

  • notmuch:tldr:2cd94 notmuch: Create a reply template for a set of messages.
    $ notmuch reply --format=${select} --reply-to=${select1} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:35b36 notmuch: Remove a tag for all messages matching a search term.
    $ notmuch tag -${custom_tag} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:5e6c1 notmuch: Count messages matching the given search term.
    $ notmuch count --output=${select} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:bf445 notmuch: Add a tag for all messages matching a search term.
    $ notmuch tag +${custom_tag} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:d7da2 notmuch: Limit the number of search results to X.
    $ notmuch search --format=${select} --output=${select1} --limit=${X} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:ee35d notmuch: Search for messages matching the given search term.
    $ notmuch search --format=${select} --output=${select1} "${search_term}"
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  • notmuch:tldr:fda5f notmuch: Configure for first use.
    $ notmuch setup
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