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List of commands for pactl:

  • pactl:ai:8d66c mpg123 produces no sound when run in a shell script
    $ pactl set-sink-volume 0 50%
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  • pactl:ai:b6174 Set the volume of the default sink to 100% using pactl
    $ pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ 100%
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  • pactl:tldr:0828f pactl: Move sink-input 627 to sink 1.
    $ pactl move-sink-input ${627} ${1}
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  • pactl:tldr:1bf99 pactl: Set the volume of sink 1 to 75%.
    $ pactl set-sink-volume ${1} ${0-75}
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  • pactl:tldr:9e5f6 pactl: Toggle mute on the default sink (using the special name `@DEFAULT_SINK@`).
    $ pactl set-sink-mute ${@DEFAULT_SINK@} toggle
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  • pactl:tldr:c333a pactl: Change the default sink (output) to 1 (the number can be retrieved via the `list` subcommand).
    $ pactl set-default-sink ${1}
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  • pactl:tldr:f6356 pactl: sinks are outputs and sink-inputs are active audio streams).
    $ pactl list ${sinks} short
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