List of commands for pdfgrep:
pdfgrep:tldr:27804 pdfgrep: Find pattern in files with a `.pdf` extension in the current directory recursively.$ pdfgrep --recursive ${pattern}try on your machineexplain this command
pdfgrep:tldr:708c9 pdfgrep: Do a case-insensitive search for lines that begin with "foo" and return the first 3 matches.$ pdfgrep --max-count ${3} --ignore-case ${'^foo'} ${file-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
pdfgrep:tldr:b536d pdfgrep: Include file name and page number for each matched line.$ pdfgrep --with-filename --page-number ${pattern} ${file-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
pdfgrep:tldr:b611e pdfgrep: Find lines that match pattern in a PDF.$ pdfgrep ${pattern} ${file-pdf}try on your machineexplain this command
pdfgrep:tldr:c20bd pdfgrep: Find pattern on files that match a specific glob in the current directory recursively.$ pdfgrep --recursive --include ${'*book-pdf'} ${pattern}try on your machineexplain this command