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List of commands for phpcbf:

  • php:qa:cleanup:imports How to remove unused imports in php files?
    $ phpcbf --standard=PSR12 ${filename}
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  • phpcbf:tldr:0c19f phpcbf: Display a list of installed coding standards.
    $ phpcbf -i
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  • phpcbf:tldr:2e882 phpcbf: Specify a coding standard to validate against.
    $ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --standard ${standard}
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  • phpcbf:tldr:4ecee phpcbf: Don't recurse into subdirectories.
    $ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} -l
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  • phpcbf:tldr:6e0d9 phpcbf: Specify comma-separated file extensions to include when sniffing.
    $ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --extensions ${file_extension(s)}
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  • phpcbf:tldr:8f7d6 phpcbf: Fix issues in the specified directory (defaults to the PEAR standard).
    $ phpcbf ${path-to-directory}
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  • phpcbf:tldr:f2403 phpcbf: A comma-separated list of files to load before processing.
    $ phpcbf ${path-to-directory} --bootstrap ${file(s)}
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