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List of commands for ps:

  • ps:ai:0e78b How to use peco tool to kill process
    $ ps aux | peco | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill
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  • ps:ai:1f5e3 How to list all proccess for the current user and sort based on cpu usage?
    $ ps -u $USER -o pid,cmd,%cpu --sort=-%cpu
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  • ps:ai:2d289 List all running processes and filter by the program name
    $ ps -aux | grep ${program_name}
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  • ps:ai:3bd07 List processes running in current shell
    $ ps -p $$
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  • ps:ai:5f222 Check if program is running
    $ ps -aux | grep 'program'
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  • ps:ai:5f83f Check the man pages for ps to discover the option to list all processes, then add | grep sshd >> to the command.
    $ ps -e | grep sshd >>
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  • ps:ai:6f051 Check your running processes by using the ps command, use grep with to filter results for, and redirect the results to a file named sleep.test.
    $ ps aux | grep > sleep.test
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  • ps:ai:88f2c assign to variable the output of "ps -aux | grep daje"
    $ ps -aux | grep daje
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  • ps:ai:8f20e assign to variable "daje" the output of piped commands
    $ ps aux | grep python
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  • ps:ai:f323f Check if dnf is running in the background
    $ ps aux | grep dnf | grep -v grep
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  • ps:tldr:37b43 ps: Get the parent PID of a process.
    $ ps -o ppid= -p ${pid}
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  • ps:tldr:40891 ps: Sort processes by memory consumption.
    $ ps --sort size
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  • ps:tldr:43f3d ps: List all running processes.
    $ ps aux
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  • ps:tldr:8fd94 ps: List all processes of the current user in extra full format.
    $ ps --user $(id -u) -F
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  • ps:tldr:ac958 ps: List all processes of the current user as a tree.
    $ ps --user $(id -u) f
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  • ps:tldr:e29b5 ps: List all running processes including the full command string.
    $ ps auxww
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