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List of commands for qmv:

  • qmv:tldr:48d22 qmv: Move all files and directories inside a directory.
    $ qmv --recursive ${path-to-directory}
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  • qmv:tldr:a40e5 qmv: Rename all files and folders in the current directory, but show only target filenames in the editor (you can think of it as a kind of simple mode).
    $ qmv --format=do .
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  • qmv:tldr:cd76f qmv: Move files, but swap the positions of the source and the target filenames in the editor.
    $ qmv --option swap ${*-jpg}
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  • qmv:tldr:e11bd qmv: Move multiple directories.
    $ qmv -d ${path-to-directory1} ${path-to-directory2} ${path-to-directory3}
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  • qmv:tldr:e6795 qmv: Move a single file (open an editor with the source filename on the left and the target filename on the right).
    $ qmv ${source_file}
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