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List of commands for raco:

  • raco:tldr:6e3bb raco: Run tests in files.
    $ raco test ${path-to-tests1-rkt path-to-tests2-rkt ---}
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  • raco:tldr:8bb34 raco: Install a package, automatically installing dependencies.
    $ raco pkg install --auto ${package_source}
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  • raco:tldr:946c4 raco: Display help.
    $ raco help
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  • raco:tldr:bcdcd raco: Search local documentation.
    $ raco docs ${search_terms ---}
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  • raco:tldr:d1661 raco: Install the current directory as a package.
    $ raco pkg install
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  • raco:tldr:d6a83 raco: Build (or rebuild) bytecode, documentation, executables, and metadata indexes for collections.
    $ raco setup ${collection1 collection2 ---}
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