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List of commands for sh:

  • sh:ai:e8adc sh -c /bin/bash -c 'services=`systemctl -t service -t socket --full --all list-units | grep -E "\.service|\.socket" | awk "{print $1;}"`; for service in $services; do systemctl is-enabled $service &> /dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo "$service" | sed "s/\.service//" | sed "s/\.socket//"; fi done'
    $ sh -c /bin/bash -c 'services=`systemctl -t service -t socket --full --all list-units | grep -E "\.service|\.socket" | awk "{print $1;}"`; for service in $services; do systemctl is-enabled $service &> /dev/null; if ${ $? -eq 0 }; then echo "$service" | sed "s/\.service//" | sed "s/\.socket//"; fi done'
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  • sh:tldr:0c8b2 sh: Execute a script.
    $ sh ${path-to-script-sh}
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  • sh:tldr:1e0e4 sh: Execute a command and then exit.
    $ sh -c "${command}"
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  • sh:tldr:4549c sh: Read and execute commands from `stdin`.
    $ sh -s
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  • sh:tldr:77cbc sh: Start an interactive shell session.
    $ sh
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