List of commands for sqlmap:
sqlmap:ai:17338 How to use sqlmap to inject union on www.google.com$ sqlmap -u 'http://www.google.com' --technique=U --union-cols=5 --dump-all --batchtry on your machineexplain this command
sqlmap:tldr:1f0d4 sqlmap: Change the parameter delimiter (& is the default).$ python sqlmap.py -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}" --data="${query=foobar;id=1}" --param-del="${;}"try on your machineexplain this command
sqlmap:tldr:7d4a9 sqlmap: Send data in a POST request (`--data` implies POST request).$ python sqlmap.py -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}" --data="${id=1}"try on your machineexplain this command
sqlmap:tldr:812b4 sqlmap: Select a random `User-Agent` from `./txt/user-agents.txt` and use it.$ python sqlmap.py -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}" --random-agenttry on your machineexplain this command
sqlmap:tldr:a2642 sqlmap: Run sqlmap against a single target URL.$ python sqlmap.py -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php?id=1}"try on your machineexplain this command
sqlmap:tldr:a6f20 sqlmap: Provide user credentials for HTTP protocol authentication.$ python sqlmap.py -u "${http:--www-target-com-vuln-php}" --auth-type ${Basic} --auth-cred "${testuser:testpass}"try on your machineexplain this command