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List of commands for test:

  • test:ai:5c187 Checks if the file.txt does not exist
    $ test ! -f ${filename}
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  • test:tldr:084ca test: Test if a file exists.
    $ test -f "${filename_or_directory}"
    try on your machine
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  • test:tldr:89351 test: Test if a given variable is equal to a given string.
    $ test "${$MY_VAR}" == "${-bin-zsh}"
    try on your machine
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  • test:tldr:c3fa6 test: Test if a directory does not exist.
    $ test ! -d "${path-to-directory}"
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  • test:tldr:d755c test: Test if a given variable is empty.
    $ test -z "${$GIT_BRANCH}"
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  • test:tldr:f4091 test: If A is true, then do B, or C in the case of an error (notice that C may run even if A fails).
    $ test ${condition} && ${echo "true"} || ${echo "false"}
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