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List of commands for textql:

  • textql:tldr:0a8d1 textql: Query `.tsv` file.
    $ textql -dlm=tab -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-tsv}
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  • textql:tldr:11c4c textql: Join two files on a specified common column.
    $ textql -header -sql "SELECT * FROM ${file1} JOIN ${file2} ON ${file1}.${c1} = ${file2}.${c1} LIMIT ${10}" -output-header ${filename1-csv} ${filename2-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:234aa textql: Format output using an output delimiter with an output header line.
    $ textql -output-dlm=${delimiter} -output-header -sql "SELECT ${column} AS ${alias} FROM ${filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:58d50 textql: Query file with header row.
    $ textql -dlm=${delimiter} -header -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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  • textql:tldr:6bc5e textql: Read data from `stdin`.
    $ cat ${filename} | textql -sql "${SELECT * FROM stdin}"
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  • textql:tldr:f1729 textql: Print the lines in the specified `.csv` file that match a SQL query to `stdout`.
    $ textql -sql "${SELECT * FROM filename}" ${filenamename-csv}
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