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List of commands for ufw:

  • ufw:ai:83cc6 Opens port 80 for HTTP traffic using the ufw firewall utility.
    $ ufw allow 80
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  • ufw:ai:d6e1a Allows incoming traffic on port 23232 using UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall)
    $ ufw allow 23232
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  • ufw:tldr:08320 ufw: Show ufw rules, along with their numbers.
    $ ufw status numbered
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  • ufw:tldr:25e7a ufw: Deny traffic on port 80 on this host.
    $ ufw deny ${80}
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  • ufw:tldr:2f459 ufw: Allow only TCP traffic from to any address on this host, on port 22.
    $ ufw allow proto ${tcp} from ${192-168-0-4} to ${any} port ${22}
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  • ufw:tldr:77b6d ufw: Disable ufw.
    $ ufw disable
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  • ufw:tldr:8ffca ufw: Deny all UDP traffic to ports in range 8412:8500.
    $ ufw deny proto ${udp} from ${any} to ${any} port ${8412:8500}
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  • ufw:tldr:aa896 ufw: Enable ufw.
    $ ufw enable
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  • ufw:tldr:be607 ufw: Allow incoming traffic on port 5432 on this host with a comment identifying the service.
    $ ufw allow ${5432} comment "${Service}"
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  • ufw:tldr:e06db ufw: Delete a particular rule. The rule number can be retrieved from the `ufw status numbered` command.
    $ ufw delete ${rule_number}
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