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List of commands for vt:

  • vt:tldr:2fb2e vt: Download files in encrypted `.zip` format (requires premium account).
    $ vt download ${file_id} --output ${path-to-directory} --zip --zip-password ${password}
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  • vt:tldr:301c1 vt: Scan a specific file for viruses.
    $ vt scan file ${filename}
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  • vt:tldr:3ec7b vt: Initialize or re-initialize `vt` to enter API key interactively.
    $ vt init
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  • vt:tldr:5830b vt: Display information for a specific URL.
    $ vt url ${url}
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  • vt:tldr:83d7d vt: Display information from a specific analysis.
    $ vt analysis ${select}
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  • vt:tldr:d7f7e vt: Scan a URL for viruses.
    $ vt scan url ${url}
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  • vt:tldr:ecf33 vt: Display information about a domain.
    $ vt domain ${url}
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