List of commands for wfuzz:
wfuzz:tldr:28032 wfuzz: Directory and file bruteforce using the specified wordlist and also proxying the traffic.$ wfuzz -w ${filename} -p ${127-0-0-1:8080} ${http:--example-com-FUZZ}try on your machineexplain this command
wfuzz:tldr:98034 wfuzz: Show colorized output while only showing the declared response codes in the output.$ wfuzz -c -w ${filename} --sc ${200,301,302} ${http:--example-com-FUZZ}try on your machineexplain this command
wfuzz:tldr:9deb5 wfuzz: Save the results to a file.$ wfuzz -w ${filename} -f ${filename} ${http:--example-com-FUZZ}try on your machineexplain this command
wfuzz:tldr:bd6db wfuzz: Use a custom header to fuzz subdomains while hiding specific response codes and word counts. Increase the threads to 100 and include the target ip/domain.$ wfuzz -w ${filename} -H ${"Host: FUZZ-example-com"} --hc ${301} --hw ${222} -t ${100} ${example-com}try on your machineexplain this command