List of commands for wmic:
wmic:ai:47530 Change the resolution to 1920x1080 for the 'Generic PnP Monitor'$ wmic desktopmonitor where "Caption='Generic PnP Monitor'" call setdisplayresolution 1920,1080try on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:62d52 wmic: Display specific fields for a specific process.$ wmic process where processid=${pid} get ${name,commandline}try on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:7f633 wmic: Access specific fields such as process name, process ID and parent process ID.$ wmic process get ${name,processid,parentprocessid}try on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:8ffdc wmic: Show full details about the currently running processes.$ wmic process list fulltry on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:9758b wmic: Kill a process.$ wmic process ${pid} deletetry on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:c8688 wmic: Display information about a specific process.$ wmic process where ${name="example-exe"} list fulltry on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:e52b6 wmic: Fundamental grammar.$ wmic ${alias} ${where_clause} ${verb_clause}try on your machineexplain this command
wmic:tldr:f7c4a wmic: Show brief details about the currently running processes.$ wmic process list brieftry on your machineexplain this command