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List of commands for wpa_cli:

  • wpa_cli:ai:9eb6e How to connect to a access point using wpa_cli command
    $ wpa_cli -i ${interface} add_network
    $ wpa_cli -i ${interface} set_network ${network_id} ssid '${ssid}'
    $ wpa_cli -i ${interface} set_network ${network_id} psk '${password}'
    $ wpa_cli -i ${interface} enable_network ${network_id}
    $ wpa_cli -i ${interface} save_config
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:00c5f wpa_cli: Save config.
    $ wpa_cli save_config
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:15e8d wpa_cli: Add a network.
    $ wpa_cli add_network ${number}
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:318a3 wpa_cli: Set a network's SSID.
    $ wpa_cli set_network ${number} ssid "${SSID}"
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:6fd08 wpa_cli: Scan for available networks.
    $ wpa_cli scan
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:8c0a7 wpa_cli: Enable network.
    $ wpa_cli enable_network ${number}
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  • wpa_cli:tldr:b2829 wpa_cli: Show scan results.
    $ wpa_cli scan_results
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