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List of commands for yarn:

  • yarn:cache:clear Clear Yarn cache
    $ yarn cache clean
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  • yarn:command:run-in-dir Run a Yarn command in a different directory
    $ yarn --cwd ${path} ${command}
    try on your machine
  • yarn:package:install:from-git-repository Install package in Yarn from a Git repository
    $ yarn add ${git_remote_url}#${branch}
    try on your machine
  • yarn:package:install:with-reproducible-dependencies Yarn install with reproducible dependencies
    $ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
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  • yarn:package:reinstall Force Yarn to reinstall package
    $ yarn upgrade ${package_name}
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  • yarn:package:update-all Update each Yarn dependency to the latest version
    $ yarn upgrade-interactive --latest
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  • yarn:tldr:04b2c yarn: Install a module globally.
    $ yarn global add ${module_name}
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  • yarn:tldr:1d30c yarn: Identify whether a module is a dependency and list other modules that depend upon it.
    $ yarn why ${module_name}
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  • yarn:tldr:5e3ce yarn: Show why a Yarn package is installed.
    $ yarn-why ${package_name}
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  • yarn:tldr:75c7a yarn: Uninstall a module and remove it from the `package.json` file.
    $ yarn remove ${module_name}
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  • yarn:tldr:8a084 yarn: Install a module and save it as a dependency to the `package.json` file (add `--dev` to save as a dev dependency).
    $ yarn add ${module_name}@${version}
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  • yarn:tldr:93bd5 yarn: Interactively create a `package.json` file.
    $ yarn init
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  • yarn:tldr:df5ec yarn: Install all dependencies referenced in the `package.json` file (the `install` is optional).
    $ yarn install
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  • yarn:upgrade:latest Upgrade Yarn to latest version
    $ npm install --global yarn
    $ npm upgrade --global yarn
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