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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool acyclic. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The acyclic command line tool is a utility used to analyze directed graphs and check for the presence of cycles within them. It is commonly used in computer science and graph theory to detect instances where there are loops or cycles in a graph, which can help in identifying and resolving issues in various applications.

When executed on a directed graph, acyclic scans the input and evaluates whether any cycles exist. It provides a simple output indicating whether the graph is acyclic or not. If cycles are found, the tool may also present information about the specific vertices or edges that form the cycle.

This tool is particularly useful in scenarios where cyclic dependencies among components or entities need to be avoided. For instance, in software development, cyclic dependencies can create compilation or runtime issues, and acyclic becomes handy in detecting such problematic relationships.

The acyclic command line tool can be part of software packages that deal with graph algorithms or can be independently available as a standalone tool. It usually takes input in the form of a file or standard input and produces output on the console. Its usage syntax and options may vary depending on the specific implementation you are using.

List of commands for acyclic:

  • acyclic:tldr:26948 acyclic: Display help for `acyclic`.
    $ acyclic -?
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    explain this command
  • acyclic:tldr:35db3 acyclic: Make a directed graph acyclic by reversing some edges.
    $ acyclic ${path-to-input-gv} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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    explain this command
  • acyclic:tldr:e95fb acyclic: Print if a graph is acyclic, has a cycle, or is undirected, producing no output graph.
    $ acyclic -v -n ${path-to-input-gv}
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